10. Reports
10.7. Shared Reports
10.6. My Saved Reports
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10.7. Shared Reports

Shared Reports

Each report in the system has an option to allow you to add the report to your saved reports. When the check box is checked, you are prompted to enter a name for your report. This option allows allows you to set the report as a shared report so the same report can be used by others. Shared reports appear under the Shared Reports menu option.

Click on Reports - Shared Reports to view any reports that have been shared with you or with any of the groups you are assigned to. Click on the shared report name to run that report.

Image SharedReportsMenu.JPG

In the menu displayed above, the Shared Reports menu is empty. We will generate a Balance Sheet report to be shared with all members of the Administrators group.

The Balance sheet is under the Financial report menu. We entered our Balance sheet criteria and we clicked on the 'Add this report to your saved reports' check box and entered a name (Bal Sheet 1ST QTR) for our saved report. The window will update displaying the 'Share this report?' check box. Click on the 'Share this report?' check box.

Image SharedReportsOption.JPG

The window will update displaying the user names of all users defined in your site as well as all group names defined in your site. You can select individual users to share the report with or you can select an entire group (or groups) to share the report with. In this example we are selecting the Administrators group to share this report with.

Only the user that shared the report has the ability to delete the report. The shared report can be deleted from the Settings & Preferences window via the Delete Report button.

Click on the Run Report button to run the report. The report will now appear in the Shared Reports menu of all members of the Administrators group as shown below.

Image SharedReportsList.JPG

10.7. Shared Reports
10. Reports
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10.6. My Saved Reports
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11. Help & Communications